create a book nook.

Can we transport ourselves here for winter?

As winter envelops us, and the holidays are winding down, there's nothing more inviting than a cozy reading nook in the comfort of your own home to escape the gray, gross weather. Let’s create a winter sanctuary, just for you! We've also thrown in some of our favorite winter reads to get you inspired.

Location, location, location.

Choose a quiet corner flooded with natural light or near a window where you can enjoy the soft glow of winter sunlight (we’re all missing that vitamin D this time of year). A squishy chair or corner of your comfiest couch will be the focal point, providing a snug space to unwind.

Don’t worry, our house doesn’t look like this either.


• Layer with comfortable textiles—plush blankets, soft throws, and textured cushions or pillows will lure you in at the end of a busy day. Don't misinterpret here though ... while it's fun to do some retail therapy, there's no need for anything too spendy. Rummage your house and pick your favorite blankets or pillows because of how they feel, just as much as how they look (your kids won't even notice they're missing from their rooms). A faux fur or knit throw draped over the back of a couch or chair can instantly make your nook feel inviting and snug.

• Create a personalized bookshelf—arrange your favorite winter reads (see ours below!) alongside your favorite treasures, creating a personalized bookshelf that reflects your style. Let our bookends anchor your collection, adding a touch of nordic modern to your literary haven.


• Lighting really does make a difference. Illuminate your little nook with soft, warm ambiance. Consider a floor or table lamp with a dimmer switch to have more control over how well you can see the words on the page (bonus points for a kindle here, just turn up the brightness). Twinkle lights or candles can also add a touch of magic to your space. Again, don't go buy a bunch of new lighting ... just reinvent with what you already have!

I have this many books in my tbr pile … and it doesn’t look as cute as this.

Now for the best part … it’s time to read!

• Rock Paper Scissors, by Alice Feeney is a psychological thriller that grips from literally the first page. Feeney crafts a tense narrative around a troubled couple's secluded retreat. A rollercoaster of emotions and shocking revelations, this book is a must-read if you like books to break your brain and have you questioning until the very end.

The Frozen River, by Ariel Lawhon comes from one of my favorite historical fiction authors (I Was Anastasia and Code Name Helene are two of her best!), surrounding a brilliant story about a late 1700s American midwife and healer (true story!) who kept detailed records of her profession and experiences. I'm finishing this one now, and will review when I'm done, but so far it lives up to the hype—it's currently the GMA Book Club book for December 2023!

The Kingdom of Sweets, by Erika Johansen was this month's BOTM pick. Not familiar with Book of the Month Club (BOTM)? I've only been a member a couple months, but I LOVE IT. Each month they come out with a list of books for that month, you pick one, they send it to you—and they're all hardcover! You can easily skip months if you want, and add add-ons if you find extras! Use my referral code to get a $5 book your first month if you sign up!

winter reads to keep you busy!

But ... back to the book! BOTM shares their synopsis (I'm still about halfway done with this brand-new read!), "light and dark—this is the cursed birthright placed upon Clara and Natasha by their godfather, Drosselmeyer, whose power and greed hold an entire city in his sway. Charming Clara, the favorite, grows into a life of beauty and ease, while Natasha is relegated to her sister’s shadow, ignored and unloved."

December is the perfect time to snuggle up and dive into something new. Take a few minutes, set up your book nook and grab the next novel off your shelf—what are you reading now? Share in the comments, or follow us on insta to see what we're reading now!


it’s winter—time to plan the garden!


no filter needed.